Rondebosch rental agents

Our Rondebosch rental agents could not recommend this area more highly for busy and active families! The area is situated perfectly for access to UCT and the CBD.

Rondebosch has an abundance of restaurants and excellent shops, as well as open spaces such as the Common. Runners will delight in the safe, scenic routes within this suburb.

Top schools such as Westerford, Rustenburg Girls, Rondebosch Boys, and SACS are a stone’s throw away from Rondebosch’s homes, making these homes ideal for families to rent.

As rental agents focusing on Rondebosch and surrounds we cover apartments to rent in the area from modern units in secure developments to charming large older apartments and cottages. You will also find families renting beautiful homes in Golden Mile & Silver Mile in this popular area.

Rondebosch FAQs:

Are there houses to rent?

Yes! While there are many apartment blocks in the area, there are also plenty of homes available to rent. Have a look at our rentals page to get an idea of the kinds of houses in the area.

Are there any cheap, student flats to rent?

The area is a hub for student rentals, with flats ranging dramatically in price based on size and location. Many apartment blocks with amenities such as a laundry room and pool will still fall within an affordable price bracket.